How can you effectively handle complaints about product durability?
Product durability is a key factor that influences customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, sometimes products may not meet the expectations or standards of your customers, and they may complain about the quality, performance, or lifespan of your products. How can you effectively handle complaints about product durability and turn them into opportunities to improve your customer relationship management (CRM)?
Wilnhel MacaspacChartered Manager | Agile Project Management | Business & Data Analytics | Lean Six Sigma Green Belt | Certified COPC…
Lamhot P Parulian Hutabarat, S.E.B2B B2C B2G | Day Care, Early Edu, K&T & Higher Edu/Adults, Study Abroad, SaaS! I am a sales person.
Sonia ErkorekaDesarrollo directivo y de equipos, Coaching, Executive Search, Transformación de la Cultura Organizacional, México y…