One of the most important aspects of documenting an API design review is to capture the design decisions and rationale behind them. This can help you justify and explain your choices, as well as avoid confusion and conflicts later on. You should document the design decisions and rationale for each element of your API, such as the resources, methods, parameters, responses, errors, headers, authentication, versioning, and so on. You should also document the trade-offs, alternatives, and assumptions that you made during the design process. You can use a table, a list, or a diagram to organize your design decisions and rationale, and use
tags to highlight the relevant code snippets.
###### Incorporate the feedback and suggestions
Another essential aspect of documenting an API design review is to incorporate the feedback and suggestions that you receive from your reviewers and stakeholders. You should solicit and collect feedback from different sources and perspectives, such as your users, developers, testers, managers, or external partners. You should also prioritize and categorize the feedback based on its importance, urgency, and relevance. You should document how you address each feedback item, whether you accept, reject, or defer it, and what changes you make to your API design as a result. You should also document the reasons and implications of your actions, and communicate them to your reviewers and stakeholders.
###### Update and maintain the documentation
The final tip for documenting an API design review is to update and maintain the documentation throughout the API lifecycle. As your API design evolves, you should reflect the changes and improvements in your documentation, and keep it consistent and accurate. You should also review and revise your documentation periodically, and remove any outdated or redundant information. You should use a version control system to track and manage the changes and history of your documentation, and use a naming convention to identify the different versions and stages of your API design. You should also backup and archive your documentation, and make it accessible and searchable for your users, developers, and stakeholders.
######Here’s what else to consider
This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?