To develop a succession plan for your team in internet services, you need to assess your current and future needs, identify potential successors, develop them, and review and update your plan. Analyze your team's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as your organizational goals, vision, and strategy. Identify the critical roles and competencies that are essential for delivering and maintaining your internet services. Review your team members' skills, performance, potential, and career aspirations. Use tools such as assessments, interviews, surveys, and feedback to evaluate their readiness and suitability for the critical roles. Create a talent pool of high-potential candidates who can fill the gaps and meet the challenges. Design and implement a development plan for each candidate that includes specific actions, resources, and timelines. Provide them with coaching, mentoring, training, and feedback to help them improve their skills and competencies. Expose them to different projects, tasks, and situations that can prepare them for the critical roles. Monitor and measure their progress and achievements. Regularly review your succession plan to ensure that it aligns with your changing needs and goals. Update your plan as new roles emerge, new candidates join or existing candidates leave or change their career plans. Communicate your plan to your team and other stakeholders; solicit their input and feedback.