How can you curate relevant and useful content for your team?
As an internal communicator, you know the importance of sharing relevant and useful content with your team. Content can inform, inspire, engage, and educate your employees, as well as reinforce your organizational culture and values. But how can you curate the best content for your team, without spending too much time or resources? Here are some tips to help you become a successful content curator.
Christiane DisconsiComunica??o Corporativa | Produ??o de Conteúdo | Assessoria de Imprensa | PR | Blogs | SEO | Jornalismo | Copywriting |…
Lucas TorresEditor / Ghost Writer / Estrategista de Mídias Sociais / Redator SEO
Cristina Brazil Ribeiro de CarvalhoJornalista | Internacionalista | Ghostwriter | Autoridade em narrativas e escrita criativa | Uso de técnica…