Your portfolio should not only show what you have done, but also how you have done it in different cultural contexts. To demonstrate your adaptability, flexibility, and intercultural competence, you can include a brief introduction summarizing your work abroad experience, a selection of your best work samples that highlight your cross-cultural communication, problem-solving, or innovation skills, a reflection section that explains how working abroad has impacted your personal and professional development, and a testimonial section featuring feedback and endorsements from your work abroad contacts. You can use
tags to showcase specific parts of your work and quotes, videos, or screenshots to demonstrate how your work abroad has been appreciated and recognized.
###### Tailor your portfolio
Your portfolio should not be a one-size-fits-all document. You should tailor it to your specific audience, purpose, and situation. For example, if you are applying for a job or a project that requires working abroad or with international teams, you should emphasize your work abroad experience and skills more than your other work experience and skills. If you are networking or collaborating with people from different cultures, you should customize your portfolio to suit their preferences, expectations, and norms. You can do some research on their background, industry, and values, and adjust your portfolio accordingly. For example, you can use different languages, formats, or styles to appeal to different audiences.
###### Promote your portfolio
Creating a portfolio is not enough. You need to promote it and make it visible to the right people. You can link your portfolio to your resume, cover letter, email signature, social media profiles, and online platforms. Additionally, you should update your portfolio regularly with new work samples, testimonials, or reflections. Showcasing your portfolio in relevant online or offline communities, groups, or events can help you connect with those interested in your work abroad experience and skills. Asking for feedback, referrals, or introductions from your work abroad contacts can also vouch for your work and help you expand your network. Working abroad can be a rewarding and enriching experience that can boost your career and personal growth. Leverage your international experience and skills by creating a portfolio that stands out from the crowd.
######Here’s what else to consider
This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?