Typography is a vital element of your layout, as it conveys your message and establishes the tone and mood of your design. It can also influence the readability and accessibility of your content, particularly on various devices and screen sizes. Therefore, you need to pick typography that is suitable, legible, and responsive. When selecting typography, you should consider factors such as font family, font size, line height, and font weight. For font family, select one that is compatible with your design style and target audience. Try to use no more than two or three fonts per layout, and use them consistently throughout your design. For font size, pick one that is large enough to be readable on different devices and screen sizes but not too large as to overpower your layout. A good rule of thumb is to use a base font size of 16px for body text, and adjust it accordingly for headings and other elements. You can also employ fluid units such as ems or rems to define font sizes relative to the base font size or the root element instead of fixed pixels. As for line height, choose one that is comfortable and balanced for your text without creating too much or too little space between the lines. A good rule of thumb is to use a line height of 1.5 times the font size for body text, and adjust it accordingly for headings and other elements. For font weight, opt for one that is appropriate and contrastive for your text without creating too much or too little emphasis. A good rule of thumb is to use a font weight of normal or 400 for body text, and adjust it accordingly for headings and other elements. You can also utilize different font weights to create hierarchy and distinction between your elements.