An account in Pastel consists of several components that define its characteristics and functions. These include an account code, which is a unique identifier usually composed of numbers or letters, or a combination of both, and can be up to 15 characters long. It can also be segmented into different segments, such as department, location, or project. Additionally, there is an account description, which is a brief and clear name for the account, using up to 60 characters. It can be either a short description for reports and statements, or a long description for more detailed information. There is also an account type, which is a classification for the account based on its nature and role in the accounting equation. This includes five main account types: Income, Expense, Asset, Liability, and Equity. Furthermore, there is an account group which is a sub-classification for the account based on its category and function within the account type. Lastly, there are account settings that are additional options to customize the account such as tax type, budget amount, opening balance, reporting currency; as well as linking it to a bank account, customer, supplier or project; and enabling or disabling features like posting, reconciliation or analysis codes.