To improve the moisture resistance of rammed earth walls, various additives and treatments can be used. For example, fibers such as straw, hemp, or polypropylene can be added to the soil mix to increase its tensile strength and reduce cracking. Additionally, waterproofing agents such as sodium silicate, acrylic emulsion, or bitumen can be added to the soil mix or sprayed onto the surface of the walls to reduce water absorption and permeability. Moreover, anti-fungal agents such as borax, copper sulfate, or zinc oxide can be added to the soil mix or applied on the surface of the walls to prevent mold growth and decay. Finally, anti-efflorescence agents such as potassium carbonate, sodium carbonate, or calcium chloride can be added to the soil mix or applied on the surface of the walls to prevent salt crystals from forming and staining the walls. These treatments not only improve the moisture resistance of rammed earth walls but also enhance their color and appearance, health and hygiene of indoor environment, as well as reduce corrosion and deterioration.