Social media platforms each offer their own features and functionalities to optimize your SMO and build trust with your audience. For example, Facebook Live, Stories, Groups, and Events can be used to showcase your brand personality, values, and behind-the-scenes activities. You can engage with followers by responding to their comments, messages, and questions, and use Facebook Insights to track and analyze your reach, impressions, engagement, and conversions. On Instagram, you can use Reels, Stories, IGTV, and Guides to create interactive content that showcases products or services. Instagram Shop and Checkout allow followers to browse and buy directly from the app. Instagram Insights can help you monitor and optimize content performance, audience growth, and sales. Twitter Spaces, Fleets, and Moments can be used to create live audio content that highlights your brand voice. Polls, Q&A's, and Lists let you solicit feedback from followers. Twitter Analytics measure tweet activity, profile visits, followers, and impressions. LinkedIn Live is great for creating professional content that showcases your expertise. LinkedIn Pages, Showcase Pages, and Groups help build your network. LinkedIn Analytics evaluate page performance follower demographics, and visitor behavior.