How can you balance power when mediating conflicts?
Balancing power is a key skill for any business manager who wants to mediate conflicts effectively. Power can be defined as the ability to influence or control others, and it can be based on various factors, such as authority, expertise, resources, or relationships. When there is a power imbalance between the parties in conflict, it can affect the process and outcome of mediation negatively. For example, the less powerful party may feel intimidated, resentful, or coerced, while the more powerful party may be overconfident, dismissive, or unfair. How can you balance power when mediating conflicts? Here are some tips to help you.
Renato Donizeti da Silva - CRC Ativo - Contador / Especialista Contábil / Controladoria / GerenteContador | Accountant | Controladoria |Controllership | Surpervisor | Coordenador | Gerente Contábil | Contabilista |…
IBRAHIM SHAIKHCEO & Founder, Marketing Strategist, Passionate Traveler
Eduardo HumbertoCEO | CFO | Diretor | Executivo | Controller | Administrativo-Financeiro