How can you balance customer requirements with cost and time constraints in APQP?
Advanced product quality planning (APQP) is a structured process that helps manufacturers deliver high-quality products that meet customer expectations and specifications. However, APQP also involves many challenges, such as managing cost and time constraints, aligning with customer requirements, and ensuring continuous improvement. How can you balance these factors and achieve successful APQP outcomes? Here are some tips to help you.
Cristian Murillo VillegasGerente General / Vice Presidente Operaciones / Creador de la Filosofia Lean Power Management, Autor de los libros…
Abdul WaheedDirector / General Manager (Plastic & Flexible Industries.)
Adriano MantovanelliEngenharia de Manufatura | Melhoria Contínua | Inova??o | Gest?o de Projetos | Six Sigma | Lean Manufacturing