How can you anticipate and prevent bottlenecks in the kitchen workflow during busy service periods?
Managing a kitchen during peak hours can be as intense as conducting an orchestra; every section must work in harmony to deliver a symphony of dishes to the guests. Anticipating and preventing bottlenecks in the kitchen workflow is crucial to ensure that this harmony is not disrupted. Bottlenecks can occur when the demand for certain dishes overwhelms the capacity of the kitchen staff or equipment, leading to delays and potentially dissatisfied customers. By understanding the common causes and implementing strategic solutions, you can maintain a smooth and efficient service even during the busiest periods.
Andres DangondFounder of Jelly | R&D and Consulting Chef | Former Chef & Director of Culinary Development, Middleby Corporation1 个答复
Shyam GuptaExecutive Chef Ex Taj | Ex Hyatt
Sandra Corona P.Gerente de R&D | Innovación | Consultor de Innovación y Desarrollo de Productos Gastronómicos |?? Experta en ??…