How can we ensure the accuracy and quality of facial recognition data and algorithms?
Facial recognition is a powerful technology that can identify and verify people based on their facial features. However, it also raises serious concerns about data privacy, accuracy, and human rights. How can we ensure that the data and algorithms used for facial recognition are reliable, fair, and respectful of people's dignity and autonomy? In this article, we will explore some of the challenges and solutions for facial recognition data and algorithms.
Carlos Fernando ChicataAlgunas insignias de community Top Voice | Ingeniero de datos | AWS User Group Perú - Arequipa | AWS x3
Timothy KanathaCybersecurity Consultant | Data Protection & GRC Leader | Empowering Organisations Align with Cybersecurity, Data…
Rafael Capit?oGerente de Privacidade e Prote??o de Dados | CIPM | LGPD | GDPR | Direito Digital | Compliance | Ciberseguran?a