How to install and use PHP CS Fixer?
To install PHP CS Fixer, you need to have PHP 5.6 or higher and Composer, a dependency manager for PHP. You can install PHP CS Fixer globally or locally, depending on your preference. To install it globally, run the following command in your terminal: composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer To install it locally, create a composer.json file in your project root directory and add the following content:
"require-dev": {
"friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^3.0"
Then run the following command to install the dependencies: composer install To use PHP CS Fixer, you need to specify the rules you want to apply to your code. You can use the built-in rulesets, such as PSR-12, Symfony, or Laravel, or create your own custom ruleset. You can also configure the rules using a .php-cs-fixer.php file in your project root directory. For example, to use the PSR-12 ruleset, you can create a .php-cs-fixer.php file with the following content:
$finder = PhpCsFixer\Finder::create()
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
return $config->setRules([
'@PSR12' => true,
To run PHP CS Fixer on your code, use the following command in your terminal: php-cs-fixer fix This will scan and fix your code according to the rules you specified. You can also add options to the command, such as --dry-run to see the changes without applying them, or --diff to see the differences between the original and fixed code.