Creating your brand content guidelines is a collaborative and iterative process that involves auditing existing content, defining a brand story, developing a content strategy, crafting a content style guide, establishing a content design guide, and implementing content governance. Firstly, analyze current content across different channels and platforms and assess its performance, quality, and consistency. Afterwards, create a brand story based on brand identity, values, and goals. This should be done in a compelling and memorable way. Subsequently, set up objectives, audience, channels, formats, topics, themes, keywords, and metrics based on the brand story and business goals. Additionally, document the style guide with regards to tone, voice, language, grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and citations. Furthermore, document the design guide with regards to colors, fonts images icons logos layouts and animations. Finally set up roles responsibilities workflows processes and tools for content creation and management. Utilize technology and automation to make the process efficient and effective.