Here's how you can transition to part-time or freelance work as a late career professional in advertising.
Transitioning to part-time or freelance work later in your career can be a refreshing change, especially in the dynamic field of advertising. If you're considering this shift, it's crucial to approach the transition strategically. With years of experience under your belt, you have a wealth of knowledge to offer, but the freelance world operates differently from full-time employment. It's about selling not just your work, but yourself as a brand. You'll need to adapt to new ways of networking, project management, and self-promotion. Embrace the change as a new chapter where you can leverage your expertise on your terms.
Matthew KnightFreelance Strategist - supporting businesses like Klarna, EY, adidas, Google, P&G and more. YJ Freelancer of the…1 个答复
Katrina OlsonMarketing trainer, coach, and consultant (I fix things and get stuff done.)
Jagveer S Singh??Top Voice in Advertising, Brand Development & AR | Brand Strategist | AR & AI Marketing Expert | Google Analytics Pro…