AI Evolution转发了
I dissolved my first business at 24. I sent the wrong email to 15,000 people at 28. I botched one of the biggest pitches of my career at 30. I forgot to tell finance to invoice 2 clients for 6 months, leaving a £50,000 hole in my revenue last year. I didn’t properly invest in operations until now, and it’s probably cost me £100,000 in business. I’ve missed deadlines. Forgot to call important people back. Send out work I wasn’t proud of. Picked up sales too late. Said the wrong thing. Befriended the wrong people. Spent £20,000 a month on an office we didn’t need. I have f*cked up time and time again. And I’m not talking small f*ck ups. I am talking huge, career altering, life changing, maybe this is the end f*ck ups. But they’re not the end, are they? There is not a single thing I have said, done, been or become that I haven’t come back from. We all run and hide from our failures - there are plenty of people on this platform who would love to portray the picture of perfection, where every customer is happy and every team member thinks the sun shines out of their butt, but the reality is we all mess up. It’s what makes us human. And not every loss IS a failure. And not every success is a win. Really and truly you can’t win or lose. You win or you learn. So, cheers to your f*ck ups. Besides, if you’re not messing up at least some of the time, you’re probably not trying hard enough… ?? Credit: Amelia Sordell ??