Here's how you can incorporate mindfulness into the daily routine of late career professionals.
Mindfulness, the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis, is a valuable skill for late career professionals. As you navigate the complexities of your career's twilight years, incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can enhance your well-being and productivity. It's about being present in the moment, which can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling professional and personal life.
Esther StauberMS/MHC, NCC *Couples therapy * Individual therapy * Parent training*
Tom DiNardoTom DiNardo - Life Coach, Spirituality, Healer & Wine Appraiser
Frédérique FavrePsychologue spécialisée dans la gestion du stress et de l'anxiété ?? Créatrice du protocole C.A.L.M.E pour une vie sans…2 个答复