You've received feedback from a project stakeholder. How can you turn criticism into quality deliverables?
Receiving criticism from a stakeholder isn't the end—it's a growth opportunity. To transform feedback into quality deliverables, consider these strategies:
- **Clarify and Confirm**: Ensure you understand the specifics of the feedback by asking clarifying questions.
- **Create an Action Plan**: Break down the feedback into actionable steps and integrate them into your project plan.
- **Follow Up**: After implementing changes, reach out to the stakeholder for further feedback to ensure alignment.
How do you use stakeholder criticism to improve your work? Feel free to share your strategies.
You've received feedback from a project stakeholder. How can you turn criticism into quality deliverables?
Receiving criticism from a stakeholder isn't the end—it's a growth opportunity. To transform feedback into quality deliverables, consider these strategies:
- **Clarify and Confirm**: Ensure you understand the specifics of the feedback by asking clarifying questions.
- **Create an Action Plan**: Break down the feedback into actionable steps and integrate them into your project plan.
- **Follow Up**: After implementing changes, reach out to the stakeholder for further feedback to ensure alignment.
How do you use stakeholder criticism to improve your work? Feel free to share your strategies.
When you receive criticism from someone, it's a delicate situation - trust will either be broken or built. It says a lot that they came to you to talk. Use this moment as an opportunity to learn from them. Ask them questions like: - What do you wish was different? Better? - In a perfect world, how would this look? - What other barriers do you anticipate us encountering in the next step of the project? - How can we best work together to move forward? - Can I discuss the things I need from you?
Eu considero avaliar todo feedback recebido e avaliar aquilo que faz sentido para você. O feedback bem feito é aquele que tem fatos e dados e n?o apenas achismos e sentimentos, tem uma estrutura e uma inten??o de melhorias e n?o apenas queixas. Minhas recomenda??es s?o: 1) Escuta atenta, fa?a perguntas para te ajudar a clarificar o entendimento e agrade?a como forma de demonstrar profissionalismo e abertura para aprendizado. 2) Analise o feedback, retome o que há de comum com outros feedbacks recebidos na sua jornada, o que realmente você poderia ter feito diferente. 3) Avalie que pontos você vai priorizar para se desenvolver e estruture um plano de melhorias. Compartilhe com sua lideran?a e acompanhe o progresso com novos feedbacks.
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