You've lost touch with a potential client. How can you reignite the connection?
If you've lost touch with a potential client, it's crucial to approach them with the right blend of professionalism and personal touch. Here's how to warm up those cold contacts:
- Send a personalized message acknowledging the gap in communication and expressing your continued interest.
- Offer something of value, such as an industry insight or a helpful resource, to reignite the conversation.
- Suggest a casual meet-up or phone call to catch up and discuss potential collaborations without pressure.
Curious about other strategies for reconnecting with clients? What has worked for you?
You've lost touch with a potential client. How can you reignite the connection?
If you've lost touch with a potential client, it's crucial to approach them with the right blend of professionalism and personal touch. Here's how to warm up those cold contacts:
- Send a personalized message acknowledging the gap in communication and expressing your continued interest.
- Offer something of value, such as an industry insight or a helpful resource, to reignite the conversation.
- Suggest a casual meet-up or phone call to catch up and discuss potential collaborations without pressure.
Curious about other strategies for reconnecting with clients? What has worked for you?
Según mi experiencia, cuando se pierde el contacto con un cliente potencial, lo más efectivo es reavivar la relación ofreciendo valor genuino. En primer lugar, reconozco de manera personalizada la pausa en la comunicación, lo que demuestra empatía y atención. Luego, envío un recurso relevante, como un informe o una actualización de la industria, que aporte algo significativo a su industria. Finalmente, sugiero una llamada informal para ponernos al día sin presiones comerciales. Este enfoque genera interés y restablece la conexión, fomentando una relación basada en la confianza y la relevancia mutua.
Re-engage with relevancy. Don't just send something blanket like 'hey I saw this research paper and thought of you'. Relevancy is based on the individual. If you've been taking notes and know they go skiing in the winter, send them something related to that. If they have a dog, tie some relevancy in there. Make the relevancy about the individual not what you offer.
Eu recomendaria de imediato considerar pegar o telefone e ligar para o potencial cliente. Quanto mais o tempo passa, maior será a distancia e barreiras entre vocês dois. Caso você n?o tenha o contato telef?nico - e há de convirmos que este cenário tende a crescer nos dias de hoje - talvez deva revisitar criticamente os seus pontos de contatos anteriores; a ideia aqui é identificar onde a "falha" aconteceu. Contate o cliente com uma mensagem que reconhe?a o espa?o entre as comunica??es assim como o seu interesse em avan?ar no tema. Compartilhe informa??o relevante (dados, cases de sucesso etc) e procure agendar o próximo compromisso para o avan?o do processo. Lembre-se: press?o demais gera desconforto. Ausência de press?o n?o gera a??o.
I believe this is a very complex task within the area of commercial prospecting. Reactivating a lost contact requires a strategic, empathetic and personalized approach. By reviewing the history, personalizing communication and offering value, you maximize the chances of reconnecting with lost leads or customers. However, it is equally important to understand the customer's moment and offer flexibility, respecting their time and priorities.
Personalized Reconnection=> I typically start by sending a personalized message that reflects on our past interaction. Acknowledge the time gap, but don't dwell on it. For example, I once reconnected with a mobile game developer after months of silence by referencing a conversation we had about in-app monetization trends. This helped remind them of the value I bring and showed genuine interest in their work. Offer Value=> You can’t just reach out and ask for a meeting without offering something in return. I often share relevant industry insights or resources. Once, I reignited a connection with a client by sharing a case study on user acquisition strategies.
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