AI development is a highly technical and creative process, where details matter. Therefore, your feedback should be specific and concrete, not vague and general. For example, instead of saying "The AI is not user-friendly", say "The AI does not provide clear instructions on how to use it". Instead of saying "The AI is slow", say "The AI takes 10 seconds to respond to a query". Use examples, screenshots, or
snippets to illustrate your points and show the evidence for your feedback.
###### Focus on the impact
AI development is also a highly iterative and experimental process, where feedback is used to improve and refine the results. Therefore, your feedback should focus on the impact and the outcome, not on the process and the method. For example, instead of saying "The AI should use a different algorithm", say "The AI should produce more accurate and consistent results". Instead of saying "The AI should have more features", say "The AI should meet the users' needs and expectations". Explain why your feedback matters and how it can benefit the AI project and its stakeholders.
###### Balance positive and negative
AI development is a challenging and rewarding process, where feedback is a source of motivation and learning. Therefore, your feedback should balance positive and negative aspects, not only point out the flaws and errors. For example, instead of saying "The AI is buggy and unreliable", say "The AI has a lot of potential, but it needs to fix some bugs and improve its reliability". Instead of saying "The AI is boring and dull", say "The AI is simple and elegant, but it could use some more creativity and diversity". Recognize the strengths and achievements of the AI team, and appreciate their efforts and contributions.
###### Be respectful and collaborative
AI development is a collaborative and human process, where feedback is a way of building trust and rapport. Therefore, your feedback should be respectful and collaborative, not rude and confrontational. For example, instead of saying "The AI is stupid and useless", say "The AI is not meeting its goals and objectives". Instead of saying "The AI team is incompetent and lazy", say "The AI team is facing some challenges and difficulties". Use polite and constructive language, and avoid personal attacks or insults. Ask questions, listen, and empathize with the AI team, and offer suggestions, solutions, or support.
Giving feedback to an AI development team can be a rewarding and productive experience, if you follow these tips. By understanding the AI goals, being specific and concrete, focusing on the impact, balancing positive and negative, and being respectful and collaborative, you can communicate your feedback effectively and constructively, and help the AI team achieve their desired outcomes.
######Here’s what else to consider
This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?