You're struggling to connect with resistant clients. How can Motivational Interviewing help you build trust?
Curious about breaking through with tough clients? Share your strategies for using Motivational Interviewing to foster trust.
You're struggling to connect with resistant clients. How can Motivational Interviewing help you build trust?
Curious about breaking through with tough clients? Share your strategies for using Motivational Interviewing to foster trust.
MI at its core is on some level Rogerian in nature: person centered therapy. If done well you meet the person where they are in the insituation they are in. You don't have maintenance stage of change for someone who is in the pre-contemplative stage. Hear there concerns and doubts, validate them, and affirm them to build that therapeutic trust. As they are ready to progress so to meet them there. Asking good, non judgemental open ended questions is key.
Breaking through with tough clients using Motivational Interviewing (MI) is all about guiding, not pushing. I start by asking open-ended questions to understand their motivations and challenges. Reflective listening is key—I repeat back what they’ve said, allowing them to hear their own thoughts. This often clarifies their perspective. I also emphasize their autonomy, reminding them the final decision is theirs. By reinforcing their strengths and highlighting past successes, I help build confidence in making positive changes. Through this collaborative, non-judgmental approach, MI fosters trust and turns resistance into a shared journey of progress.
Se você está lutando para se conectar com clientes resistentes, a Entrevista Motivacional pode ser uma poderosa aliada. Use a escuta ativa para entender suas preocupa??es e motiva??es. Fa?a perguntas abertas que incentivem a reflex?o e mostrem que você valoriza suas opini?es. Ao construir um espa?o seguro e colaborativo, você fortalece a rela??o de confian?a, ajudando o cliente a se sentir mais à vontade para explorar mudan?as e participar do processo.
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