You're struggling to communicate with a physician. How can you clarify your intentions during a consultation?
Communicating effectively with a physician during a consultation is crucial but can sometimes be challenging. It's essential to enter the dialogue with clarity and confidence to ensure that your health concerns are understood and addressed. If you find yourself struggling to get your point across, several strategies can help you clarify your intentions and foster a more productive conversation. This article will guide you through improving your communication with physicians, from preparing your thoughts to actively engaging in the discussion.
Laura Daniels BSN, RN,Founder?Registered Nurse ?Board Certified Patient Advocate ?Certified Dementia Practitioner ? Over 30 Years of…
Dr. Pete StibbsVice President, Global Medical and Clinical Affairs, Argon Medical Devices Inc.
Patricia Lougedo FueyoMédica de Familia | Especialista en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria | Máster en Cuidados Paliativos | Interesada en IA…