You're struggling to balance prospecting and relationship-building. How can you optimize your daily schedule?
Balancing act got you juggling? Share your secrets for managing prospecting and relationship-building.
You're struggling to balance prospecting and relationship-building. How can you optimize your daily schedule?
Balancing act got you juggling? Share your secrets for managing prospecting and relationship-building.
Lo que me ha servido mucho en mi gestión comercial es el Time Blocking, donde separo tiempo exclusivo de mi día a día para la prospección pura y dura, puede ser por el mismo LinkedIn, por WhatsApp, llamadas, etc. Pero siempre un tiempo determinado. Lo hago así, para poder cumplir con mis otras tareas diarias y no perder de vista el objetivo de todo vendedor: VENDER MáS SIEMPRE y para lograrlo, debo llevar mi propuesta de valor a más y más personas.
Come?ar ajustando a rotina, criar blocos de tempo bem definidos para cada atividade ajuda a n?o deixar nada de lado. Usar automa??es para as partes mais mecanicas da prospec??o também é uma saída inteligente, liberando espa?o no dia para focar nas conex?es que realmente importam. Essa divis?o estratégica permite que as duas coisas avancem juntas sem que uma acabe comprometendo a outra.
?? Are you ready to master the delicate balance between prospecting and relationship-building? "Your network is your net worth," and managing both effectively is key to social selling success. - Prioritize genuine interactions over mere transactions; authenticity fosters trust and long-term relationships. - Schedule dedicated time blocks for prospecting and nurturing relationships to maintain focus and efficiency. - Leverage LinkedIn features like InMail and personalized messages to engage prospects while building rapport. Embrace these strategies, and watch your connections flourish—remember, you got this!
Balancing prospecting and relationship-building requires strategy. Start by time blocking: mornings for prospecting, when your energy is high, and afternoons for relationship-building, when clients are more responsive. Use automation tools to handle repetitive prospecting tasks, freeing up time for meaningful conversations. Focus on high-value connections—quality over quantity—and leverage existing relationships to create warm introductions for new prospects. This allows you to stay efficient without sacrificing the personal touch that builds trust.
Suelo trabajar con bloques de tiempo limitados y también los utilizo a la hora de prospectar Importante: fuera notificaciones, móvil etc De esta forma estoy 100% focalizado en la persona que le estoy escribiendo y puedo desarrollar mensajes personalizados e incrementar las tasas de respuesta No creo en el multi-tasking y menos a la hora de prospectar
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