You're in a startup juggling innovation and deadlines. How do you strike the perfect balance?
In the fast-paced world of startups, striking the perfect balance between innovation and meeting deadlines can feel like walking a tightrope. You're tasked with pushing the envelope while ensuring that deliverables are met on time. This balancing act is crucial for your startup's survival and growth. It's about managing your team's creative processes alongside their productivity, ensuring that neither is sacrificed at the altar of the other. So, how do you keep the innovative spirit alive without falling behind on your timeline?
Lekhini AgrawalScrum Master at EPAM Systems | Certified Scrum Master(CSM) | Certified SAFe ? 6 Scrum Master | Agile Methodologies |…
Carla Polyana Vasconcelos CarvalhoLideran?a em Gest?o de Negócios e Mercado Financeiro no Itaú Unibanco | Comercial | Investimento | Rela??o com…
Belén MáspoliExperta en Liderazgo y Comunicación | Resultados con Impacto = (P+L)?C | Cofundador en Crear + Potencial Consultoría…