You're speaking to a diverse audience. How can you ensure your storytelling approach resonates with everyone?
Curious about crafting stories that touch every heart? Dive in and share how you connect with a broad audience.
You're speaking to a diverse audience. How can you ensure your storytelling approach resonates with everyone?
Curious about crafting stories that touch every heart? Dive in and share how you connect with a broad audience.
As per my Experience, -Conduct surveys or polls to learn about your audience's interests and preferences before crafting your narrative. -When discussing a global issue, use universally recognised terms and avoid idioms that may not translate well across cultures. -When discussing a global issue, use universally recognised terms and avoid idioms that may not translate well across cultures. -In a campaign about community service, feature stories from volunteers of different ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds to illustrate the collective impact.
Today, we tend to assume we’re more different than alike, that we lack commonality. I lean on the knowledge that we are more alike than different. Focus on universal themes. Be inclusive and consider psychographics as well. And chat with your audience beforehand if you can. Learn something about a few audience members and weave it into your conversation when it becomes relevant. They'll feel seen and it will resonate more.
As a public speaker, it's essential to acknowledge the diverse experiences of your audience. Regardless of the topic at hand, there will inevitably be individuals who may not connect directly with your story. In my opinion, a thoughtful approach to engage everyone is to begin by saying, "I’m sure some of you can personally relate to the story I’m about to share, while others may have a friend, colleague, family member, client, neighbor, or mentor who has faced a similar situation!" It pretty much ensures you've covered your bases! This framing not only invites empathy but also creates a shared understanding, fostering a more inclusive atmosphere for your presentation. Hope that helps someone! :)
A book that literally saved me several times is the Vulture Map by Erin Meyer. It lays down the cultural differences in 7 dimensions critical for storytelling. You can always run your stories by a more senior person or someone is th cultural group you will be addressing to make sure that what you’re planning to say land correctly. After all, comedians test-run their joke and material with friends before performing them on stage.
I'd recommend keeping two things in mind: A. The things that unite everyone in the room. Maybe you're speaking in front of a diverse crowd in terms of their backgrounds and culture but they're all entrepreneurs or all interested in AI. B. What you bring to the table. I can't count the amount of times when someone shared a story, a passion or a hobby that had nothing to do with me but because they were passionate about it and delivered it in such a way that it had me hanging on every word, it didn't matter that it didn't fully resonate with me, I was bought into their connection to it and extrapolated that passion to connect to something of my own. This can depend on the topic but these two ideas should put you on the right path.
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