You're seeking feedback on your motivational speech. How can you ensure it resonates with event organizers?
Dive into the art of persuasion! Share your insights on crafting speeches that captivate and inspire event organizers.
You're seeking feedback on your motivational speech. How can you ensure it resonates with event organizers?
Dive into the art of persuasion! Share your insights on crafting speeches that captivate and inspire event organizers.
Feedback is not a judgment; it's a gift. ???????????? ????????????????. Understand their perspective fully. ???????????????? ?????????? ????????????????. Acknowledge their feelings without judgment. ???????? ???????????????? ??????????????. Ask for concrete examples. ???????????????? ?????????? ??????????????????????. Evaluate their feedback objectively. ?????????? ???????? ??????????????????. Express gratitude for their input. A receptive speaker is a growing speaker.
To ensure your motivational speech resonates with event organizers, consider these key strategies: Align with Their Goals: Understand the event’s theme and the organizer’s objectives. Tailor your message to fit their vision. Highlight Impact: Showcase how your speech will inspire action, engage the audience, and contribute to the overall event success. Seek Specific Feedback: Ask for insights on your content, delivery, and relevance. Be open to suggestions and demonstrate a willingness to refine your message. Follow Up: After your speech, ask for feedback and testimonials. This shows your commitment to continuous improvement and builds a lasting connection. How have you ensured your speeches meet organizer expectations?
Como organizador de eventos debes de tener varias anécdotas que contar, puedes elegir aquella que motive, que ense?e algo como por ejemplo: C?mo lidear con algun imprevisto que tuviste en algún evento, quiza hablar de resilencia, (vaya que debes de tener si estás en esta industria de eventos), de la inmportancia de tener creatividad, por mencionar algunos temas. Después aseguarte de que tu charla sea clara y fácil de seguir,evita tecnisismos innecesarios y siempre en tono positivo, previo conoce a tu audiencia. Y lo más importante disfruta al máximo la experiecnia
Best way to give feedback .. 1. Be specific.. what , when , how , result and impact .. 2. Use EEC model to receive and give feedback .. example , effect, communication 3. Make sure feedback is implemented : feedback received and kept in storage is useless
Quando busco feedback sobre meus discursos motivacionais, procuro garantir que ele ressoe com os organizadores entendendo suas expectativas desde o início. O diálogo aberto antes do evento sobre os objetivos que eles têm para o público ajuda a alinhar a mensagem. Após o discurso, acolho o feedback com a mente aberta, enxergando-o como uma oportunidade de crescimento. Mostro meu compromisso com a melhoria contínua, implementando sugest?es e agradecendo por cada contribui??o, pois sei que o feedback é um presente que me faz evoluir.
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