Curious about re-energizing a sales team? Share your strategies for sparking motivation in a sales rep who's lost their zeal.
A disengaged salesperson is like an engine running low on fuel—find out what drives them and fill the tank. Start with a one-on-one conversation to understand their perspective: “I’ve noticed you’ve been quieter lately; what’s on your mind?” Dig into their challenges and aspirations to uncover what’s blocking their motivation. Align their personal goals with team objectives; show how hitting targets can unlock new opportunities for them. Introduce tailored mini-goals to create momentum, celebrate small wins, and offer consistent support. Sometimes, a rep just needs to feel seen, heard, and connected to the bigger picture to reignite their fire and boost performance.
Si ves que un representante de ventas no está comprometido, lo más importante es escuchar. A veces, la falta de motivación viene de sentir que no se está avanzando o que no hay reconocimiento. Tener una conversación honesta, sin juzgar, puede abrir la puerta a entender qué les está frenando. A partir de ahí, ofrecer apoyo, fijar metas alcanzables y celebrar cada peque?o avance puede marcar una gran diferencia. A todos nos gusta sentirnos valorados y parte de algo importante; esa conexión puede ser el impulso que necesitan para mejorar su rendimiento.
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