Alternative HR tools are emerging to supplement and amplify traditional HR tools. These tools utilize different strategies and technology to collect and assess data, provide insight, and suggest solutions for employee satisfaction. For instance, Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a query that inquires employees how likely they are to recommend their employer to others. It evaluates employee loyalty, advocacy, and satisfaction. Additionally, Employee Experience Platforms (EXPs) are software applications that unify various aspects of employee experience, such as communication, collaboration, learning, feedback, recognition, and wellness. This offers staff a centralized and personalized way to access and interact with their work environment. Gamification is also employed to motivate and incentivize employees to carry out certain tasks, learn new skills, or adopt desired behaviors by using game elements such as points, badges, levels, and rewards. This can make work more entertaining, challenging, and rewarding. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the utilization of machines or algorithms to perform tasks that necessitate human intelligence such as natural language processing, sentiment analysis, or recommendation systems. This can help you comprehend and predict employee behavior, preferences, and needs; providing tailored and timely solutions.