Large-scale Malaria cell data set has been made publicly available by LHNCBC, NLM, NIH
Sivaramakrishnan Rajaraman
Research Scientist (MSC/Guidehouse)@Computational Health Research Branch, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Views and opinions are mine and may not reflect my employer's or NLM/NIH policy
To reduce the burden for microscopists in resource-constrained regions and improve diagnostic accuracy, researchers at the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications (LHNCBC), part of National Library of Medicine (NLM), have developed a mobile application that runs on a standard Android smartphone attached to a conventional light microscope. Giemsa-stained thin blood smear slides from 150 P. falciparum-infected and 50 healthy patients were collected and photographed at Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh. The smartphone’s built-in camera acquired images of slides for each microscopic field of view. The images were manually annotated by an expert slide reader at the Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit in Bangkok, Thailand. The de-identified images and annotations are archived at NLM (IRB#12972). We applied a level-set based algorithm to detect and segment the red blood cells. The dataset contains a total of 27,558 cell images with equal instances of parasitized and uninfected cells. The data appears along with the publication:
Rajaraman S, Antani SK, Poostchi M, Silamut K, Hossain MA, Maude RJ, Jaeger S, Thoma GR. (2018) Pre-trained convolutional neural networks as feature extractors toward improved malaria parasite detection in thin blood smear images. PeerJ6:e4568
You are requested to cite the above publication while using the large-scale data sets made available at
Contact Dr. Stefan Jaeger, CEB, NLM, for more information on the project.