You're about to launch a disruptive product innovation. How do you ensure market expectations are met?
Dive into the innovation pool! Share your strategies for aligning new products with market expectations.
You're about to launch a disruptive product innovation. How do you ensure market expectations are met?
Dive into the innovation pool! Share your strategies for aligning new products with market expectations.
To ensure market expectations are met when launching a disruptive product innovation, prioritize user needs. This can be obtained via thorough market research to understand user preferences & behaviour, ensuring your product addresses real pain points. Develop a clear value proposition that highlights how your innovation beats existing solutions in terms of price, performance, or convenience. Finally, implement a robust feedback loop post-launch to iterate your offering based on user experiences and market dynamics.
Every market has its table-stakes—the non-negotiables that set the baseline for what’s considered 'good.' You can identify these by analyzing competitors and speaking directly to customers to understand their expectations. Once you've covered the core essentials, it’s time to go beyond. The real magic happens when you identify a significant customer pain point and deliver an outstanding solution that the market hasn’t seen before. Work closely with your team to create something truly remarkable. I love using Brian Chesky’s '11-star experience' method as a brainstorming tool to push beyond the ordinary.
La COMUNICACIóN es fundamental al lanzar una innovación de producto DISRUPTIVA. Esta debe estar basada en un INSIGHT poderoso, es decir, en REVELARLE al consumidor una TENSIóN OCULTA. En mi experiencia he visto casos de productos no disruptivos (incluso en algunos casos con falsas promesas) que logran resultados INCREIBLES gracias a que tienen una comunicación clara y simple, enfocada en conectarcon esa verdad oculta (insight). ?Tienes poco presupuesto para hacer un estudio de mercados? Recomiendo buscar un par de personas de tu target y mostrarles la comunicación (sin explicación); el nivel de entendimeintom y reacción serán reveladores.
Conduct Market Research: Understand target audience needs and pain points thoroughly. Set Clear Value Propositions: Highlight unique benefits and how the product solves specific problems. Create Pre-Launch Buzz: Use targeted campaigns, influencer marketing, and early demos to build anticipation. Manage Expectations: Communicate realistic capabilities and potential limitations. Test with Early Adopters: Gather feedback and refine before full launch. Prepare Support Systems: Ensure robust customer support and documentation for a smooth user experience.
Toda inova??o disruptiva vai além de solucionar uma dor, no geral a discup??o em produto parte da cria??o de uma demanda inexistente. Aproveito para lembra que antes do Ipod e do Iphone n?o tinhamos o desejo por um smartphone. Dessa forma, o atendimento das expectativas do mercado está diretamente associada aos seguintes itens: 1 - uma boa análise e tendencia das tecnologias e suas varia??es para os próximos anos; 2 - o entendimento do publico alvo desejado; 3 - dimensionar o perfil dos "early adopters" no segmento de atua??o; 4 - consetruir um bom pacote de valor agregado baseado no estilo de consumo do público alvo; 5 - criar uma onda de testes; Acredito que esses passos devam ser considerados para evitar grandes frustra??es;