You're juggling conflicting information in an emergency. How do you navigate media relations effectively?
Caught in the eye of a media storm? Share your strategies for steering through the chaos of conflicting information.
You're juggling conflicting information in an emergency. How do you navigate media relations effectively?
Caught in the eye of a media storm? Share your strategies for steering through the chaos of conflicting information.
"The commander in the field is always right and the rear echelon is wrong, unless proved otherwise." - General Colin Powell -
You may also let audience(s) know your intention to authenticate information and communicate situational updates periodically, as a priority. Importantly, however, your need to conserve resources, to prioritize aid or assistance to those who may need it most, is job one, within your brand mission and values guardrails.
Establish a clear communication line: Designate a single spokesperson to ensure consistent messaging. Verify information: Cross-check facts with reliable sources before releasing statements. Be transparent: Acknowledge uncertainties and provide regular updates. Stay calm and composed: Maintain a professional demeanor to build trust. Monitor media coverage: Correct misinformation promptly.
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