You're facing unexpected delays in software updates. How do you handle client expectations effectively?
Facing delays in software updates can be a challenging situation, especially when managing client expectations. As an expert in operating systems, it's essential to navigate these delays with transparency and strategic communication. When updates are postponed, your clients' business operations could be impacted, and their security might be at risk. It's your responsibility to reassure them that you're handling the situation with their best interests in mind.
José Inácio FerreiraGerente de Servi?os G4F - OP VIII Goiás
Alan Carlos FranciscoAnalista de Suporte TI I Analista de Redes I Assistente de TI I Analista de HelpDesk.
Marcelo Magalh?esGerente Executivo de Recursos Humanos | Gest?o de Equipes | Remunera??o | Benefícios | Administra??o de Pessoal |