You're facing stakeholder resistance to a disruptive product innovation. How can you convince them to invest?
Convincing stakeholders to back a disruptive product can feel daunting, but with the right approach, you can turn skepticism into investment. To sway their opinion:
- Highlight data-driven projections to illustrate potential returns and market impact.
- Share success stories or case studies of similar innovations to build credibility.
- Address concerns directly with tailored solutions, showing preparedness and adaptability.
What strategies have worked for you in gaining stakeholder buy-in?
You're facing stakeholder resistance to a disruptive product innovation. How can you convince them to invest?
Convincing stakeholders to back a disruptive product can feel daunting, but with the right approach, you can turn skepticism into investment. To sway their opinion:
- Highlight data-driven projections to illustrate potential returns and market impact.
- Share success stories or case studies of similar innovations to build credibility.
- Address concerns directly with tailored solutions, showing preparedness and adaptability.
What strategies have worked for you in gaining stakeholder buy-in?
Para superar a resistência à inova??o disruptiva, use dados, cases e uma estratégia clara. Mostre tendências de mercado e benchmarks que comprovem a demanda. Apresente cases de sucesso que evidenciem impacto positivo em receita e experiência do cliente. Um MVP ou piloto pode demonstrar valor rapidamente. Destaque a vantagem competitiva, evidenciando o custo de n?o inovar. Enderece riscos com uma implementa??o escalável e controlada. Assim, a inova??o deixa de ser vista como risco e se torna uma oportunidade estratégica fundamentada em dados.
Try to show how your disruptive product aligns with the company’s overall vision and strategy. Position your product within a larger ecosystem or market transformation. Help stakeholders understand that this investment is about long-term growth and leadership, not just short-term profits. If your product has already seen success in a specific market, share that information. Early wins or case studies can help prove its potential for wider impact.
To overcome stakeholder resistance to disruptive innovation, shift the conversation from risk to opportunity. Investors and executives often default to incremental, low-risk solutions, even when disruptive technologies yield greater market success. The key is to align their mindset with strategic trends. Present proof-of-concept successes, showcase competitor adoption, and quantify market demand with real-world traction. Instead of asking for belief in an untested future, provide clear pathways to execution. Demonstrate not just why your innovation is viable, but how it de-risks their investment in a shifting market.
?? Invite customers to advocate for the decision with you. ?? Present an attractive forecast, e.g. ROI. ? Explain your risk mitigation strategy.
Para convencer as partes interessadas a investir em uma inova??o disruptiva, comece apresentando dados e pesquisas que evidenciem o potencial de mercado e os benefícios da inova??o. Demonstre como a nova abordagem pode resolver problemas existentes ou atender a necessidades n?o satisfeitas, destacando casos de sucesso de concorrentes ou de outras indústrias. Envolva as partes interessadas no processo, solicitando suas opini?es e incorporando sugest?es para aumentar a aceita??o. Além disso, elabore um plano claro de implementa??o que minimize riscos e mostre o retorno sobre o investimento esperado. Finalmente, crie um ambiente de confian?a, enfatizando a vis?o de longo prazo e o impacto positivo da inova??o na posi??o competitiva da empresa.