You're facing a senior manager resistant to change initiatives. How can you effectively get through to them?
When faced with a senior manager resistant to change, it's crucial to handle the situation with care. Here are some strategies:
- Align with their values. Show how the change supports what they prioritize in the business.
- Present data. Use clear, objective figures to demonstrate the benefits of the change.
- Involve them in the process. Make them feel part of the solution, not just subject to it.
How do you approach leadership resistant to new ideas? Share your strategies.
You're facing a senior manager resistant to change initiatives. How can you effectively get through to them?
When faced with a senior manager resistant to change, it's crucial to handle the situation with care. Here are some strategies:
- Align with their values. Show how the change supports what they prioritize in the business.
- Present data. Use clear, objective figures to demonstrate the benefits of the change.
- Involve them in the process. Make them feel part of the solution, not just subject to it.
How do you approach leadership resistant to new ideas? Share your strategies.
This is one of the most challenging parts & even a showstopper to progress. Taking Sr. members is important step of the change initiative. Though many approaches are there however one that I have found & which has a broader application is the concept of TOD. Thread of Discontent, a part of your life you are unhappy about be it personal or professional the challenge lies in getting there, for me Appreciative Inquiry has come in very handy, psychometric tolls also help to bring light to the blind spots but nothing to beat the concept of trust and empathy based on David Osgood's research. Once the trust is established using empathy the rest of the steps are lot easier but yes getting there is an art & skill that refines with constant practice
Agende uma reuni?o individual e escute ativamente pois antes de apresentar qualquer solu??o, é importante entender a perspectiva do gerente. Durante essa reuni?o, eu faria perguntas abertas para explorar seus receios e motiva??es. Por exemplo: A equipe de vendas da uma determinada Empresa adotou essa iniciativa no último ano, e aumentaram a eficiência em 20%, enquanto conseguiram reduzir custos em 15%.” Convencer com fatos, mostrando que a decis?o n?o é baseada em intui??o ou modismo, mas em evidências sólidas. Uma maneira ótima de diminuir a resistência é garantir que o gerente se sinta parte do processo. Eu sugeriria envolvê-lo diretamente na implementa??o da mudan?a.
resistance to change is emotional. what is the person feeling? what’s prompting that emotion. it’s important to listen, hear their concerns. listening doesn’t mean agreeing. it means being empathetic. i’m sorry you feel that way. change is tough. how can i help. A person can’t hear facts etc until they get out of their limbic brains. also, don’t assume they wrong and you’re right. if you have a senior exec either concerns what are they. what is their logic data? influence is about telling it’s all about asking. are there holes in the persons logic? what are they? say this like is it possible if we don’t do this x will happen? watch 12 Angry Men. it’s a class in influence.
Resistance to change is when there is lack of understanding of the big picture, WIIIFM and perceived threat. To take them onboard - don’t rush them give then time to process it, answer their questions and be sincere and transparent about your communication Threat is mostly an emotion and not a rational thing so look what and how the threat can be addressed
“It’s always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. And wherever you run into it, prejudice obscures the truth.” Always be the first to listen, analyze, understand the hidden reasons , and be the last to speak.
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