You're facing resistance from employees in ERP training sessions. How can you effectively engage them?
Encountering pushback in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) training sessions is common, but engagement is key. To turn the tide:
- Acknowledge concerns and demonstrate the system's direct benefits to their daily tasks.
- Incorporate interactive elements like gamification to make learning more dynamic and enjoyable.
- Offer support and create an open dialogue for feedback to show that their input is valuable.
How have you tackled resistance in training sessions? Share your strategies.
You're facing resistance from employees in ERP training sessions. How can you effectively engage them?
Encountering pushback in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) training sessions is common, but engagement is key. To turn the tide:
- Acknowledge concerns and demonstrate the system's direct benefits to their daily tasks.
- Incorporate interactive elements like gamification to make learning more dynamic and enjoyable.
- Offer support and create an open dialogue for feedback to show that their input is valuable.
How have you tackled resistance in training sessions? Share your strategies.
Para envolver os funcionários e superar a resistência durante o treinamento de ERP, podemos adotar as seguintes estratégias: Comunica??o clara, explicando os benefícios do ERP. Ou?a suas preocupa??es e adapte o treinamento conforme necessário. Treine influenciadores internos para promover o sistema. Ofere?a sess?es personalizadas e simula??es reais. Use desafios e recompensas para motivar os funcionários. Disponibilize materiais e sess?es de tira-dúvidas. Agrade?a e reconhe?a os esfor?os dos colaboradores. Essas práticas ajudam a aumentar o engajamento e a garantir uma implementa??o bem-sucedida do ERP.
Es muy complicado lograr un enganche con los colaboradores si estos no comprenden el efecto que tiene el ERP en sus labores, solo cuando eres capaz de entender en su contexto y organización a las mejoras podrás realmente darle mejor provecho a esos momentos clave en la Empresa.
start by clearly explaining the benefits of the new system, emphasizing how it will simplify tasks and improve efficiency. Make training interactive with hands-on activities and real-life scenarios relevant to their roles. Foster open communication, encouraging questions and addressing concerns. Break down the training into digestible modules to avoid overwhelming them. Recognize achievements to motivate participants and offer continuous support through follow-up sessions. Show empathy towards their learning curve and be patient as they adapt.
To engage employees resistant to ERP training, make sessions interactive and relatable. For example, in a logistics company, use real-life scenarios that employees encounter daily, showing how the ERP system simplifies their tasks. Incorporate hands-on activities, like role-playing or group discussions, to foster participation. Encourage feedback throughout the training to address concerns and adapt your approach. By making the training relevant and enjoyable, you’ll boost engagement and help employees see the system as a valuable tool, not a burden.
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