When different training approaches clash, it's crucial to find common ground. To harmonize your team's diverse methods:
- Establish a forum for open discussion, allowing each member to voice their training preferences and concerns.
- Identify core objectives that all training styles must meet, ensuring consistency and clarity of purpose.
- Encourage collaboration on creating a hybrid approach that incorporates the best elements from each style.
How do you resolve training style differences within your team?
If we are having different training approaches & certainly there would be clashes, it's very important to find common ground. To harmonize our team's diverse methods we need to clearly establish a learning forum for open discussion, allowing each member to voice their training preferences and concerns. It becomes like a learning cohort. Also as trainers, we should help the learners to Identify core objectives that all training styles must meet, ensuring consistency and clarity of purpose. Finally, motivating or encouraging the collaboration on creating a hybrid or virtual approach that incorporates the best elements from each style.
Reconocer el poder de la diversidad para fomentar el aprendizaje es fundamental a la hora de ponerse las gafas de mentor o mentora. Las actividades o los ejercicios de formación nunca serán, en mi concepto, una receta tal cual, con pasos claramente estructurados. Siempre existirá una variable que es poderosa y no se puede controlar 100% (y está bien que sea así) y es que cada persona aprende de manera diferente y tiene también diversidad en las formas de pensar, ejecutar y exponer sus ideas. Y en este punto es donde encontramos como mentores las retroalimentaciones y aprendizajes más valiosos de las formaciones.
The key is balance and communication. Start by acknowledging the diverse learning preferences and creating a space where everyone feels heard. Organize a team discussion to gather feedback on what works and what doesn’t. From there, find a middle ground—blend various methods like hands-on activities, visual aids, and discussions to cater to all styles. Flexibility is crucial; offer options for both independent and collaborative learning.
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