You're faced with criticism on your linguistic research methodology. How will you defend your approach?
When your linguistic research methodology comes under scrutiny, it's essential to stand firm and articulate your defense thoughtfully. As you navigate the complex terrain of linguistic study, remember that methodologies are not one-size-fits-all and what works for one research question may not suit another. Your approach is tailored to the unique contours of your inquiry, designed to uncover the nuances of language that standard methods might overlook. Defending your methodology isn't just about justifying your choices; it's about demonstrating how they align with the goals of your research and contribute to the broader field of linguistics.
Henry LukwagoAquaculture & Fisheries Professional | Data & Program Management | Sustainable Development & Blue Economy Enthusiast
Lalla Fatouma TRAOREChargée de recherche chez DERSP/FMO
Renata Condi de SouzaPhD | Professor, Consultant, Advisor, College Admission Counselor, Author, Coordinator | Certified EdTech