You're coaching a salesperson through rejection. How can you boost their morale?
Sales rejections are inevitable, but they're also growth opportunities. To help your salesperson rebound:
How do you encourage resilience in your sales team after a setback?
You're coaching a salesperson through rejection. How can you boost their morale?
Sales rejections are inevitable, but they're also growth opportunities. To help your salesperson rebound:
How do you encourage resilience in your sales team after a setback?
Deconstruct the Rejection: I’d sit down with them and break down the interaction step-by-step. Was it something in their approach, the timing, or maybe even the prospect's needs that weren’t fully uncovered? Create Quick-Win: Rejections can mess with confidence, so we’re going to rebuild that by setting super-specific micro-goals. It could be as simple as getting a prospect to agree to a follow-up meeting, or nailing the first 30 seconds of a cold call. I’ll guide them to focus on actions they can control. Acknowledge the Grind: I don’t just celebrate results—I celebrate the hustle. If they’re showing up consistently, making the calls, and staying persistent, I’ll highlight that.
if it's their first day, i'll double down on making it worse and see if they still want to stick around. sales is getting people to say yes but also the job description is getting rejected by hundred every day. and if they did not get that understanding before they were hired, then that's my fault. but most likely they still will feel the burn even though I told them. in that case I always told, "welcome to sales, this is what sales feels like in the beggining. and it's most likely going to get worse. you're going to judge yourself even more but then after 21 days you'll realise that it doesn't matter and the feeling go away. but for the next 21 days you're going to feel like dirt" great salespeople we're born for it, then got better.
Rejection is a form of perceived failure, which many sales professionals are taught and conditioned to shy away from. However, you cannot learn without failing. To this point, one of the most powerful mindset shifts in sales coaching is to flip the perspective on failure and rejection. Every time your coachee gets a "No", there's an opportunity for learning and deepened coaching. Not just to increase sales performance, but to boost the sales professional's skills and ability to reflect on the interactions.
Every day, I focus on building resilience with my team, since rejection is so common in sales. We start by adopting a growth mindset, viewing each "no" as a learning opportunity, as a stepping stone. Sharing stories of past rejections from top reps helps normalize setbacks. We practice emotional resilience techniques, like mindfulness, and do quick rejection debriefs after tough calls to learn from them. I tailor motivation to each rep and pair them in a resilience buddy system to offer support. We also celebrate effort, not just outcomes, to keep morale high.
Incentivar a resiliência em uma equipe de vendas após um revés é essencial para manter a motiva??o e o desempenho. Reconhe?a o problema para normalizar desafios e mostrar que n?o refletem a capacidade da equipe. Ofere?a apoio emocional, reafirmando sua confian?a no potencial de cada membro. Analise o que deu errado e extraia li??es para evitar erros futuros. Defina metas realistas para recuperar a confian?a, celebrando pequenas vitórias. Proporcione treinamentos para aprimorar habilidades e fortalecer a resiliência. Estimule uma mentalidade positiva, destacando pontos fortes e sucessos anteriores. Crie um ambiente de apoio mútuo e lidere pelo exemplo.
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