Curious about navigating workplace safety? Share your strategies for steering colleagues towards a safety-first mindset.
Safety is the easiest thing to get buy in on. If the legal and ethical considerations aren’t enough to sway someone, there’s always the financial punch. On average, the National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that a workplace fatality can cost a company between $1 million and $5 million, including direct and indirect costs. In some cases, especially with legal settlements or punitive damages, this can exceed $10 million. However, if you’re working with someone who can’t be swayed by the first points… it might be better to work with someone else. (Injuries suck and I’ve seen two grown men cry when they lost their fingers. You don’t want to experience a fatality.)
E importante destacar que a seguran?a deve ser a principal prioridade em qualquer ambiente de trabalho, especialmente em situa??es que envolvem quase acidentes. Explique que cada quase acidente é um sinal de que há problemas potenciais que precisam ser identificados e corrigidos antes que resultem em incidentes graves.
Two of the more nebulous questions to try to answer in safety: What constitutes risk? What constitutes a near miss? Both are very subjective questions. It is just as easy for someone with a high risk tolerance to ignore a potential hazard as it is a low risk tolerance person to bog down an investigation because everything is a high risk with a high potential for injury. It requires understanding where they are coming from when it comes to their beliefs on risk and how there are varying shades of gray; it is not always black or white. Then use that to coach them into making better risk assessments. As for near misses I've seen write ups for a full inbox and the author though that if it spilled on the floor there could be a slip hazard.
To begin with, identify the reasons to as why team members are hesitant about conducting near miss investigations and ask them to make suggestions on how near miss investigations arrangements can be made more effective and easier. This will help you formulate a strategic plan to tackle the issue Additionally, explain to them the advantages of conducting investigations brings to the overall safety of the team. The arguments can be reducing on the reoccurrence of these near misses
Primero, me aseguro de que entiendan la importancia de investigar los cuasi accidentes, destacando que estos eventos son oportunidades clave para prevenir incidentes graves. Organizo una conversación donde explico las posibles consecuencias de ignorar los riesgos y cómo afecta a la seguridad del equipo. A través de ejemplos concretos, les muestro cómo una investigación adecuada puede mejorar las condiciones de trabajo. También ofrezco apoyo y formación adicional si es necesario, reforzando la idea de que la seguridad debe ser siempre una prioridad en cada acción.
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