Your team is hesitant about Kaizen events in Lean Manufacturing. How can you overcome their skepticism?
Curious about how Kaizen can transform your team? Share your strategies for turning skepticism into Lean Manufacturing success.
Your team is hesitant about Kaizen events in Lean Manufacturing. How can you overcome their skepticism?
Curious about how Kaizen can transform your team? Share your strategies for turning skepticism into Lean Manufacturing success.
Il existe 2 manières de faire du Kaizen : en mode amélioration continue, tous les jours, petit pas par petit pas et, en mode "Blitz" (Kaikaku = changement radical) Le 1er repose sur un fort développement de la culture de l'amélioration continue de toutes et tous, Le 2ème sur une nécessité, parfois, de faire un "bon de progrès". L'importance réside sur l'identification des bons problèmes à régler (irritants) et sur la définition claire de votre vision et des objectifs à atteindre pour l'entreprise à 1, 2, 5 ans (indicateurs SQDP). Si vous résolvez les problèmes du quotidien puis attaquez les plus gros problèmes par la suite : l'engagement de vos collaborateurs sera facilité.
To overcome your team's skepticism about Kaizen events, you need to explain the benefits, involve them in the process, celebrate successes, address concerns, and start small.
We must ensure that everyone invited to the Kaizen event understands the event's purpose and what is expected of them. It's essential to address any resistance to change by clearly communicating the reasons behind the event and the anticipated outcomes. Without clear communication, people may feel skeptical and hesitant to participate. It's crucial to outline the agenda and the event's overall goal, making it clear that the purpose is not to punish or penalize team members. The Kaizen event is an opportunity for brainstorming and identifying areas for improvement to enhance our output.
When i first started as a Manufacturing Professional, the company organised training porgrams where each module was designed to offer a specific takeaway. What truly resonated was the 'learning by doing' approach, which made the concepts real, not just theoretical. In this program getting to that 'aha' moment was relatively easy and quick. By this, I mean the realization of the concept's value — like how Kaizen positively impacts the manufacturing floor—becomes clear. Once skeptics see the results firsthand, they quickly become believers.
When a team is hesitant about Kaizen events, the key is to involve them early and show them the value firsthand. I’d start by addressing their concerns, making sure they understand that Kaizen isn’t about adding more work but about making their jobs easier and more efficient. By including them in the process and celebrating quick wins, they’ll see the impact in real time. Once they experience how small improvements lead to big results, the skepticism starts to fade, and buy-in naturally follows.
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