Your team is facing negative feedback. How can you use emotional intelligence to drive growth opportunities?
Negative feedback can sting, but with emotional intelligence, it's a catalyst for team growth. To harness this power:
- Reflect on the feedback without bias, seeking the underlying issues rather than reacting defensively.
- Communicate empathetically with your team, encouraging an open dialogue about improvement.
- Set actionable goals based on the feedback to foster development and track progress.
How do you channel feedback into positive change?
Your team is facing negative feedback. How can you use emotional intelligence to drive growth opportunities?
Negative feedback can sting, but with emotional intelligence, it's a catalyst for team growth. To harness this power:
- Reflect on the feedback without bias, seeking the underlying issues rather than reacting defensively.
- Communicate empathetically with your team, encouraging an open dialogue about improvement.
- Set actionable goals based on the feedback to foster development and track progress.
How do you channel feedback into positive change?
Acknowledge the emotions present in the situation—both your own and your team’s. Next, encourage a growth mindset by framing the feedback as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. Guide your team in identifying specific, actionable steps they can take to address the concerns raised and improve performance. Promote collaboration by facilitating discussions on how they can support one another in making these improvements. Additionally, model resilience by demonstrating how to handle criticism constructively. Share your own experiences with feedback and how you’ve turned challenges into learning experiences.
Considero que se puede buscar espacios seguros donde se pueda hablar con total apertura y tranquilidad pero lo más importante es tener una escucha activa para así poder actuar sobre lo que se pueda manejar. Llegar a acuerdos, tener objetivos claros para así poder cumplirlos. Realizar actividades que ayuden a cumplir lo que se está proponiendo, no tienen que ser grandes tareas. Hacer seguimiento a todo lo anterior y así poder celebrar.
Fornecer feedback positivo é, em geral, muito mais fácil do que um negativo. Para fazê-lo da forma correta, se prepare, estude bem os números, resultados, levante fatos e dados que ir?o corroborar com a sua avalia??o, seja sincero, transparente e busque junto com o liderado alternativas para melhorar a situa??o. Montem juntos um plano de a??o, e monitore a evolu??o mensalmente.
A inteligência emocional é essencial para abordar essas situa??es de forma construtiva. Primeiro, procuro acolher o feedback com calma e escuta ativa, sem julgar ou reagir defensivamente. Isso cria um espa?o seguro onde todos se sentem encorajados a compartilhar suas perspectivas. Em seguida, trabalhamos juntos para analisar o feedback, identificando pontos específicos de melhoria e reconhecendo os acertos. Transformo essa reflex?o em a??es concretas, motivando cada integrante a enxergar o feedback como um trampolim para desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de habilidades. Ao agir dessa forma, fortalecemos a resiliência e criamos uma cultura de aprendizado contínuo que, no longo prazo, só aumenta nossa confian?a e capacidade de entrega.
I see examples of this daily! Even good leaders will be defensive when hearing negative feedback about their team because they love and care for them Understanding the problem is the key to effectively handling negative feedback. When I receive feedback, I always respond, "Let me investigate and follow up." This approach allows me to sift through the unnecessary details, strip away the emotional influence, and focus on the core issue. More often than not, the problem is a simple miscommunication or misunderstanding (at least, that's how I view it). Next, take the findings and ask "WHYs!" This will show your team that you care enough to understand the issue and are willing to provide the necessary resources and support to resolve it.
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