Your team is divided by conflicting opinions. How can you unite them towards collaboration?
Are differing views creating team tension? Share your strategies for fostering unity and turning debate into collaboration.
Your team is divided by conflicting opinions. How can you unite them towards collaboration?
Are differing views creating team tension? Share your strategies for fostering unity and turning debate into collaboration.
Conflicts are the fuel of progress, a team fearful of conflicts is uncommitted to reach its potential. Teams that know how to manage conflicts - progress, the ones that do not - fall apart. As long as through the conflicts the teammates disagree with the ideas and paradigms and not with the people stating them, the first step towards fruitful conflict management is reached. It is important to establish a feeling of belonging and a sense of safety. To emphasize the common goal, and to ensure that the conflicting discussions are done respectfully and collaboratively. Facilitate the team drilling down the conflicting statements to their core, while doing so, many misunderstandings might disappear and new insights could be enlightening.
Conflicting opinions do not neceserally signal lack of collaboration - they can be interpeted as feeling safe enough to express differing opinions. There is too much focus on working around instead of working trough conflict productively. I see facilitators regulating the group too much instead of regulating themselves and their own anxiety around conflict. One important task is to stop any distructive behavior and nib it as soon as it shows. My mantra is: disagree and commit and that is what I see as a good scenario. What commitment can the group come to? Some questions: "What are some of the experiments to run?" "What is something that the group can try?" "What requires least effort?" and always a "How will you know?" as follow up
When a team is divided by conflicting opinions, uniting them towards collaboration requires strong leadership, open communication, and a clear focus on common goals. Create a safe space where team members can openly express their opinions without fear of judgment. Facilitate a meeting where everyone has the opportunity to share their perspective. Instead of focusing on disagreements, shift the team’s mindset toward solving the issue together. Break the problem down into smaller pieces and ask the team to brainstorm potential solutions collaboratively. Encourage team members to put themselves in each other’s shoes. Sometimes conflict arises from misunderstandings or a lack of awareness of the challenges others are facing.
Buscar através de uma escuta ativa, sem julgamentos, ouvir os membros da equipe, identificar objetivos em comum, incentivar novas ideias e solu??es, fazer com que cada membro da equipe se sinta valorizado.
En mi experiencia facilitando equipos de marketing, siempre animo a todos a expresar sus ideas sin juicios, permitiendo que las diferentes perspectivas fluyan. Luego, analizamos los puntos en común y buscamos llegar a consensos. Así logro que los diferentes puntos de vista se unan para crear una solución mucho más robusta que la propuesta original.
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