Your schedule is packed with tasks. How do you deal with a colleague's constant last-minute demands?
Ever juggled a pressing deadline with surprise tasks? Share how you manage when colleagues spring last-minute work on you.
Your schedule is packed with tasks. How do you deal with a colleague's constant last-minute demands?
Ever juggled a pressing deadline with surprise tasks? Share how you manage when colleagues spring last-minute work on you.
Someone else's last minute task and priority isn't always your priority. It's a harsh truth but we are always teaching people how to treat us and like kids, when there is no consequence, there is no lesson learned. It's ok to say no, even though it does require us to override our taught people pleasing tendencies. And this doesn't mean you aren't a team player. It can mean you actually are more supportive to the wider team. Of course if you have the availability to help, you can choose to do so, but you still may want to communicate that this is the exception and not the rule.
Cuando un colega te pide constantemente tareas de última hora, lo mejor es establecer acuerdos claros. Habla abiertamente sobre tus límites y disponibilidad; explícale cuándo y cómo puedes ayudar sin comprometer tus propias responsabilidades. Acordar juntos momentos específicos para atender esas solicitudes evita que te desborden y ayuda a gestionar expectativas. También puedes proponer alternativas o soluciones rápidas para que ambos puedan cumplir con sus objetivos sin que tu agenda se desborde. La clave está en comunicarse y poner reglas del juego claras.
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