Your project timeline is slipping. How can you address delays without sparking fear in your team?
Discovering that your project timeline is slipping can be a daunting realization. The key to addressing delays effectively is to maintain a calm and strategic approach. Project coordination requires not only managing tasks but also the emotions and morale of your team. It's essential to navigate this challenge without causing panic or fear, ensuring that your team remains motivated and focused on finding solutions. By keeping communication clear, reassessing priorities, and fostering a collaborative problem-solving environment, you can steer your project back on track while maintaining a positive team dynamic.
Jorge FabricioGest?o de Engenharia e Obras Portuárias e Logística | Gerente de Engenharia e Infraestrutura Portuária | Gerente de…
Navdeep AggarwalVice President & Global Head (Projects & Capital Procurement ), Visionary & Vibrant Leader Executing Mega Capital…1 个答复
Vikash Gupta, PMP?Project Management || Contract Management || Risk Management || Oil&Gas || Industrial Projects