Your junior engineer is struggling with aerospace material science. How can you guide them to success?
Curious about nurturing talent? Share your strategies for helping junior engineers excel in complex fields.
Your junior engineer is struggling with aerospace material science. How can you guide them to success?
Curious about nurturing talent? Share your strategies for helping junior engineers excel in complex fields.
The thing about aerospace is that it involves many complex fields, not just the one. It is then reasonable that a junior has developed their knowledge on a handful of them and not others. Material science is covered in (most) aerospace engineering courses, but often side-lined. Luckily, it is a field with many publications, textbooks and available resources, and depending of your company/centre there will be experts that can point you how to develop your knowledge. I would suggest as well exploring hands-on, because it's a field where you learn the more exposed one is to the real thing.
Some ways to get started Join a design group Make your foundation level and subject knowledge strong Refer aerospace generals and articles also research papers Be strong enough in calculations and physics
Je lui dirais qu’on ne na?t pas expert sur un sujet très large techniquement Je lui dirais ensuite de revoir ses cours ingénieur ou Fac de métallurgie , de plasturgie (rare) , d’électronique … mieux des composites .. Je lui dirais qu’ensuite il y a probablement des experts de ces domaines appliqués dans sa filière dans son entreprise Qu’il peut faire appel aussi bien dans des filières académiques et scientifiques Si au final le domaine le passionne je lui recommanderais des formations ciblées sur ces besoins pour le faire monter en compétence
To guide your junior engineer struggling with aerospace material science, break down complex concepts into manageable parts and provide real-world examples. Recommend foundational resources, such as textbooks or online courses, to reinforce their understanding. Offer hands-on learning opportunities by involving them in relevant projects and material selection processes. Encourage regular discussions to answer questions and track their progress, while fostering a supportive environment where they feel comfortable seeking help.
Dans notre univers ,c'est pas envisageable d'avoir des difficultés avec la science des matériaux car c'est un expertise à part entière !! Nous avons optez pour les alliages d'aluminium qui sont les plus courant et pour répondre à certaines contraintes ils sont mélangé à du Zinc, Cuivre, Magnésium, Silicium, Titane, etc ..Tout va dépendre de l'utilisation de l'avion ..Soit l'ingénieur en fait sa spécialité son expertise dans ce cas il apprends soit il se cultive pour sa connaissance personnelle mais en aucun cas il ne peut se trouver face à des difficultés
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