Your coworker constantly passes their workload onto you. How can you reclaim your work-life balance?
Feeling overwhelmed when a colleague shifts their work to you? It's time to set boundaries for a better work-life balance.
Feeling overwhelmed when a colleague shifts their work to you? It's time to set boundaries for a better work-life balance.
Feeling overwhelmed when a colleague shifts their work to you? It's time to set boundaries for a better work-life balance.
When a coworker regularly passes their workload onto you, it disrupts your work-life balance. Here's how to push back professionally:
- Address the issue directly. Have a candid conversation about your capacity and the importance of equitable workload distribution.
- Propose solutions. Suggest a system for dividing tasks or involve a supervisor to clarify roles and responsibilities.
- Learn to say no. Politely decline additional work that falls outside your remit, reinforcing your primary commitments.
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