Empathy is your secret weapon when clients are upset over delays. Here's how to harness it effectively:
- Acknowledge their feelings. Show you understand why they're upset and that their feelings are valid.
- Explain the situation. Offer a clear, honest overview of what caused the delay and what's being done.
- Provide proactive solutions. Suggest immediate steps to mitigate the impact and prevent future issues.
How do you use empathy to turn client frustrations into positive interactions?
When a client was frustrated with project delays, I took the time to listen and understand their concerns fully before offering any explanations. Instead of immediately defending the situation, I acknowledged their frustration and expressed that I understood how the delays impacted their business. For example, in one project where deadlines were pushed, I shared how I would feel in their shoes and assured them that we were taking extra steps to get things back on track. Then, I provided a clear update on the progress and proposed solutions to accelerate key deliverables. By showing empathy and focusing on solutions, the client felt heard and reassured that their concerns were being addressed.
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