Ever navigated the delicate task of boosting a colleague's drive? Share your tactful strategies for inspiring motivation without causing harm.
Talk to them privately. Listen to what they have to say. Work together to find the problem. Offer help and support. Set smaller goals. Recognize their good work. Check in with them regularly. By being understanding and supportive, you can help your team member feel better and get back on track.
Demotivation can occur in any member of the team for various reasons, such as those exogenous to the work, relationships with a member of the team, motivated by the state of health, by an emergency situation or another reason that they are not necessarily willing to share. Colleague, now continuous treatment and openness will allow you to see these signals in time and, if applicable, discuss or intuit them, there is always the possibility of giving vacations, negotiating a salary increase, a loan, giving challenging responsibilities or other aspects that can generate the desired changes in behavior.
Grab them for a discussion and ask them if there is anything they need your support on, ask probing questions (as it might be something personal). Sometimes you don't always need an agenda but to spend time with them to say they are valued and heard and that you are there for them. Ask if they need anything that will help them be more successful, is there anything they would like to share or get off their chest?
I would venture to know their story. People don't lack motivation for the sake of it. Their story would form the foundation of our conversation. And who knows where this may lead because I'd be addressing the heart condition rather than the behavior. It is my role to care for my team members, they are human beings and as long as you are breathing, you need encouragement.
Somos la sumatoria de habilidades técnicas y blandas, debe abordarse en privado buscando identificar la causa raíz (tipo DOFA) de su falta de motivación y llevarlo al punto de equilibrio que lo impulse o le sirva de motor sin desmoralizar