User research is divided into two main types: generative and evaluative. Generative research helps to explore the problem space, user context, and user needs, as well as define the problem, scope the project, and generate design ideas. Evaluative research is used to test and validate the solution space, design concepts, and design outcomes; refining the solution, measuring performance, and evaluating user satisfaction. Common methods and tools for user research include interviews, surveys, observations, usability testing, card sorting, user personas, and user journey maps. Interviews are one-on-one conversations with users to gather qualitative data on their experiences and opinions. Surveys are questionnaires with users to gather quantitative data on their demographics, behaviors, and preferences. Observations involve watching and recording users' actions with a design or similar product or service. Usability testing asks users to perform tasks with a design or prototype to measure success, efficiency, and satisfaction. Card sorting involves asking users to sort cards representing content or features of a design to understand how they organize information. User personas are fictional profiles that represent characteristics, goals, and needs of typical users. User journey maps are visual diagrams that show steps, emotions, and touchpoints of users' journeys with a design.